从预期寿命、怀孕健康、暴力、生计、和营养来看,妇女和女童在灾害和斗争中收到了消极和不成比例的影响。在这一背景下,在过去几年中,国际社会作出了一些支持性别平等和增强妇女和女童权能(GEEWG)的承诺以推动变革,提高GEEWG在人道主义危机中的方案编制水平。虽然我们知道危机对妇女和女童的放大影响,以及妇女在人道主义反应中作为第一反应者和领导人可以发挥的关键作用,但仍不清楚的是,人道主义干预在多大程度上得到了资助,以及任何短缺的后果。这项工作的目的是收集证据并进行研究,以确定现有的资金流动以及全球环境工作组在人道主义行动中任何短缺的影响,包括所要求的资金水平、收到的资金以及资金缺口的顺序。这项研究特别侧重于为妇女和女孩提供资金,尽管研究结果非常适用于两性平等规划。资助两性平等和增强妇女和女童参与人道主义方案的能力 This study was commissioned through a partner- ship between UN Women and UNFPA and was produced by the Share Trust. The paper was written by Courtenay Cabot Venton and Toscane Clarey of the Share Trust. The consoli- dation of the research findings and development of the report was managed by David Caffey at UN Women and Maryline Py at UNFPA. The authors are incredibly thankful to the extensive team of people who made this study possible. A large debt of gratitude is owed to the range of orga- nizations working in each of the case study countries who took the time to speak and help provide a better understanding of the local contexts, and providing invaluable insight into the barriers that face programming for women and girls. Particular gratitude is due to the front line organizations that are working so hard to improve the conditions for women and girls, often in the face of high levels of insecurity and hardship. In addition, thanks goes to the Somalia and Bangladesh teams for putting so much time into organizing the field visits. The authors would also like to acknowledge the Steering Committee - made upof representation from Abaad Mena, CARE International, GenCap/ProCap, GBV AoR, IASC Peer2Peer, OCHA, UNFPA, UNICEF, and Women Deliver - for their extensive engagement and review of these reports. A special thanks also to Emily Krasnor, Lene Aggernaes and Astrid Haaland for their significant contributions to this study. 【更多详情,请下载:资助两性平等和增强妇女和女童参与人道主义方案的能力】 镝数聚dydata,pdf报告,小数据,可视数据,表格数据
    * 本报告来自网络,如有侵权请联系删除



    关键字女性, 妇女, 平等, 人道主义




    This study was commissioned through a partner- ship between UN Women and UNFPA and was produced by the Share Trust.
    The paper was written by Courtenay Cabot Venton and Toscane Clarey of the Share Trust. The consoli- dation of the research findings and development of the report was managed by David Caffey at UN Women and Maryline Py at UNFPA.
    The authors are incredibly thankful to the extensive team of people who made this study possible. A large debt of gratitude is owed to the range of orga- nizations working in each of the case study countries who took the time to speak and help provide a better understanding of the local contexts, and providing invaluable insight into the barriers that face programming for women and girls. Particular gratitude is due to the front line organizations that are working so hard to improve the conditions for women and girls, often in the face of high levels of insecurity and hardship. In addition, thanks goes to the Somalia and Bangladesh teams for putting so much time into organizing the field visits.
    The authors would also like to acknowledge the Steering Committee - made upof representation from Abaad Mena, CARE International, GenCap/ProCap, GBV AoR, IASC Peer2Peer, OCHA, UNFPA, UNICEF, and Women Deliver - for their extensive engagement and review of these reports. A special thanks also to Emily Krasnor, Lene Aggernaes and Astrid Haaland for their significant contributions to this study.


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